
Showing 61–72 of 124 results

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    Guided Tissue Regeneration xTooth

    Guided tissue regeneration consists of the surgical application of a biocompatible membrane  to isolate and protect bone damage and filler biomaterials to regenerate the supporting structures of the teeth.
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    Impacted Tooth Exposure

    Through impacted tooth exposure surgery, unerupted teeth are discovered and a button is placed so that during orthodontic treatment they moves to their corresponding position.
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    Impacted Tooth Extraction

    Impacted tooth extraction helps in orthodontic cases to accomodate the rest of the teeth. reteined teeth are hidden teeth that could not erupt due to lack of space.
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    Intraoral Scanning

    Intraoral sacanning replaces taking impressions with impression material and trays. It´s more precise and comfortable for the patient.
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    Intraoral Scanning

    Intraoral scanning taking impressions with impression material and trays, it is more accurate and comfortable for the patient.
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    Intravenous Sedation

    Intravenous sedation is the best solution for those patients who are afraid of the dentist or for oral surgery treatments. *Requires laboratory studies
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    Lingual Torus Removal

    Lingual torus removal surgery is recommended prior to the design of a removable dental prosthesis to prevent it from hurting.
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    Maryland Dental Bridge

    Maryland dental bridge is the quick solution to the loss of a dental piece. The fixed zirconia dental bridge is indicated for posterior dental pieces due to its aesthetics and high resistance. * Only applies to replace an anterior tooth
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    Maxillary Sinus Lift x Lateral Window

    Maxillary sinus lift is a surgical procedure, which is performed in order to vertically increase the amount of bone in the posterior region of the maxilla in case there is not enough bone for the placement of an implant.
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    Maxillary Sinus Lift x Transcrestal

    Maxillary sinus lift is a surgical procedure, which is performed in order to vertically increase the amount of bone in the posterior region of the maxilla in case there is not enough bone for the placement of an implant.
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    Molar Root Canal Treatment

    Molar root canal treatment is used to remove the infected tissue that is found in the interior part of the piece dental, avoid dental extraction.
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    Nitrous Oxide Conscious Sedation

    Nitrous oxide conscious sedation is a technique in which by inhaling gases of nitrous oxide and oxygen, relaxation and a sensation of tranquility are obtained safely. In addition to the anxiolytic effect, nitrous oxide also has analgesic and sedative effects, while maintaining awareness and communication at all times during treatment. It is indicated in adult and children patients with anxiety or fear of the dentist.

Showing 61–72 of 124 results