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Maxillary Sinus Lift x Lateral Window
Maxillary sinus lift is a surgical procedure, which is performed in order to vertically increase the amount of bone in the posterior region of the maxilla in case there is not enough bone for the placement of an implant.
  • Application of local anesthesia
  • Flap lift
  • Lateral window opening in maxillary sinus
  • Schneider membrane elevation
  • Placement of resorbable membrane and granulated bone
  • Lateral window closure
  • Placement of resorbable membrane
  • Suture of the intervened area
Dental checkup
The dental checkup is the first approach with the the dentist to determine the patient´s problem.
In a dental checkup, an evaluation of the dental peces and te oral cavity is carried out to detect possible pathologies. *Does not include radiological studies.
Impacted Tooth Extraction
Impacted tooth extraction helps in orthodontic cases to accomodate the rest of the teeth. reteined teeth are hidden teeth that could not erupt due to lack of space.
  • Application of local anesthesia
  • Incision in the gum and oral mucosa
  • Wear of bone surrounding the dental organ
  • Dissection of the dental organ
  • Non-erupted tooth extraction
  • Placement of hemostatic sponge
  • Suture of the intervened area
Dental Implant Removal
Dental implant removal or extraction is required when the implant  has not been osseointegrated in the indicated time, must be removed to avoid infections
- Application of local anesthesia - Flap lift - Surgical implant removal - Removal of granulation tissue - Remodeling of bone contour - Suture of the intervened area
Oral Biopsy
Oral Biopsy is required to rule out oral pathology including oral cancer.
- Mouth biopsy surgery - Studies in specialized laboratory - Delivery and explanation of results
Maxillary Sinus Lift x Transcrestal
Maxillary sinus lift is a surgical procedure, which is performed in order to vertically increase the amount of bone in the posterior region of the maxilla in case there is not enough bone for the placement of an implant.
  • Preparation for implant placement, alveolar bone height >3mm
  • Application of local anesthesia
  • Flap lift
  • Elevation of Schneider's membrane by alveolar ridge
  • Placement of resorbable membrane and granulated bone
  • Suture of the intervened area
Periodontal Splinting
The periodontal splints is made of fiberglass and is placed after a periodontal treatment to give support for teeth that are mobility.
  • Treatment after periodontal treatmen
  • Fixation of teeth with fiberglass splint and fluid resine
All On 6 Implant Placement
All on 6 implant-support dentures are the best solution for the edentulous patient. *It is only include the implants placement. Does not include the zirconium denture.
  • Dental CBCT Tomography of the arch to be intervened
  • Intraoral scanning for surgical guide
  • Design and manufacture of surgical guide
  • Design and manufacture of temporary denture
  • (6) Attachments for temporary denture
  • (6) Implant sleevs for surgical guide
  • (3) Fixation screws for surgical guide
  • (3) Sleeves for fixation screws for surgical guide
  • (6) Implants Straumann SLA Active
  • (6) Cover screws
  • Implants placement surgery
  • Testing and adjustment of temporary denture
Scaling and Root Planing
Scaling and root planing is the procedure to remove the caculus accumulated under the gum to stop the consequences of periodontal diseases
  • Application of local anesthesia
  • Tartar removal in bags larger than 4mm
  • Scalings and root planing of roots
  • Surfaces polishing
All On 4 Implant Placement
All on 4 implant-supported dentures are the best solution for the edentulous patient. The patient must have good bone quality to be a candidate for this procedure. *It´s only placement of implants, does not include zirconium denture
  • Dental CBCT Tomography of the arch to be intervened
  • Intraoral scanning for surgical guide
  • Design and manufacture of surgical guide
  • Design and manufacture of temporary denture
  • (4) Attachments for temporary dentures
  • (4) Implant sleevs for surgical guide
  • (3) Fixation screws for surgical guide
  • (3) Sleeves for fixation screws for surgical guide
  • (4) Implants Straumann SLA Active
  • (4) Cover screws
  • Implants placement surgery
  • Testing and adjustment of temporary denture
Dental prophylaxis is indicated to remove bacterial dental plaque that cannot be removed during regular brushing.
Intravenous Sedation
Intravenous sedation is the best solution for those patients who are afraid of the dentist or for oral surgery treatments. *Requires laboratory studies
  • General sedation for two hours
  • Requires a hematic biometry study
  • Requirements: patient fasting and accompanied
  • Vital signs monitoring
  • Oxygen supply
  • Intravenous cannulation
  • Medication supply
  • Post treatment recovery
Periodontal Assessment
During the periodontal assessment, the patient's sensitive data is taken in order to issue a diagnosis and a treatment plan to alleviate periodontal diseases.
  • Complete medical history
  • Taking intraoral photographs
  • Extraoral taking photographs
  • Periodontal Probing
  • Periapical X-rays
Fiberotomy is a surgical procedure that consists of removing the gingival fibers that join the tooth to the gum to reduce the chances of a tooth twisting back to its initial position after having been corrected at the end of orthodontic treatment, or having difficulty turning it during orthodontic treatment.
  • Application of local anesthesia
  • Shedding of tooth fibers
  • Suture of the intervened area
Root Fragments Extraction
Root fragments extraction is a surgical procedure required due to root fragments are an infectious focus present in the mouth, they can cause various pathologies, so it is recommended extract them.
  • Application of local anesthesia
  • Surgical incision
  • Flap lift
  • Extraction of radicular remains
  • Granulation tissue removal
  • Suture of the intervened area
Periodontal Diagnosis
During the periodontal diagnosis, the recommended treatment plan to treat periodontal disease is given and explained.
  • Diagnostic delivery
  • Treatment plan
  • Informed consents
  • Signature of privacy notices
  • Treatment acceptance signature
Supragingival Calculus Removal
Supragingival calculus removal or also know as deep dental cleaning is indicated to remove bacterial dental plaque that cannot be removed during regular brushing and/or prophylaxis. It is made whith a especial equipment to reduce pain and saline irrigation to reduce bleeding during the procedure, avoide or reduce problems related to periodontal disease.
  • Removal of superficial calculus from teeth
  • Polishing of dental surfaces
  • Instructions for use of attachments oral hygiene
Operculectomy is the procedure of surgicaly removing the operculum or the flap of gum that partially covers over a tooth.
  • Surgery on molars in eruption
  • Local anesthesia
  • Insicion on the gum with dental laser
  • Closed whit sutures
Post-surgical Review
The post-surgical revision is carried out to evaluate the evolution of the surgery.
  • Surgery evolution
  • Suture removal (if applicable)
  • Chlorhexidine application
Bone Regularization
Bone regularization is a surgery that consist of eliminating irregularities in the alveolar none (protrusions or sharp ridges) that could make it diddicult to correctly support a dental prosthesis.
  • Application of local anesthesia
  • Flap elevation
  • Alveolar ridge smoothing In preparation for total denture
  • Suture of the intervened area
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